خدمات كهربائية متكاملة 55177129

A brick wall painted in a light neutral color has an electrical meter and panel installed on it. A metal ladder is leaning horizontally at the bottom, and a green garden hose is attached to an exterior faucet.
A brick wall painted in a light neutral color has an electrical meter and panel installed on it. A metal ladder is leaning horizontally at the bottom, and a green garden hose is attached to an exterior faucet.

تمتاز خدماتنا التي نسعى الى توفيرها

العمل المتقن الذي يؤدى على يد أكفأ مصلحي الكهرباء.

إجادة كافة التصليحات المطلوبة لأي أعطال كهربائية.

التواجد 24 ساعة عمل متواصلة لكي نلبي أي خدمة قد تحتاجونها.

إجادة العمل على أحدث الأدوات و أجهزة التصليح.

دقة كبيرة مع السرعة في العمل

خدمة ممتازة، فني محترف حل مشكلتي الكهربائية بسرعة وكفاءة. أنصح بالتعامل معهم.

أحمد العلي

A black electrical panel is mounted on a wall with its transparent door open. Inside, there are several circuit breakers lined up in a row, each with visible labels and switches.
A black electrical panel is mounted on a wall with its transparent door open. Inside, there are several circuit breakers lined up in a row, each with visible labels and switches.
A detailed view of an electrical panel with multiple circuit breakers. The breakers are organized in rows with toggle switches and wiring connections. The wires are predominantly blue and white with red insulation at the terminals.
A detailed view of an electrical panel with multiple circuit breakers. The breakers are organized in rows with toggle switches and wiring connections. The wires are predominantly blue and white with red insulation at the terminals.
